by Peggy Williams | Aug 22, 2012 | Uncategorized
Did you know that today’s college freshmen think blue M&M’s have always co-existed with red and brown ones? In their world Martin Lawrence has always been banned from Saturday Night Live. Gene therapy has always been an available medical treatment. And...
by Peggy Williams | Aug 11, 2012 | Uncategorized
My husband took me away for a (too) short vacation to Madeline Island this past weekend. Madeline Island is one of the Apostle Islands up on Lake Superior, just north of Bayfield, Wisconsin. I have no idea why they are named the Apostle Islands, as there...
by Peggy Williams | Jul 29, 2012 | Uncategorized
Some books provide escapism. Some books make you think. Some books force you to confront emotions that are so raw you don’t know what to do with them. That’s what Bridget Birdsall’s book, Ordinary Angels, did for me. I have never...
by Peggy Williams | Jun 19, 2012 | Uncategorized
I am spending Father’s Day with my Dad in the V.A. hospital. Kind of a crappy place for a guy to have to be on Father’s Day—in the hospital. But if you have to be in a medical facility anywhere, this is the one you want: The William S. Middleton...
by Peggy Williams | Jun 16, 2012 | Uncategorized
Money, sex, image…and love. Those are the key themes in Milwaukee writer Dave Thome’s debut romance novel Fast Lane. Wait a minute! you say. He’s a romance writer? But isn’t he a guy? Yes. And yes. Dave is also a journalist, a screenwriter, a...
by Peggy Williams | Jun 2, 2012 | Uncategorized
A teenage girl’s body floats down river, a cougar stalks the resort area, a man shows up with a bullet in his leg and a price on his head…all the elements of an enthralling mystery. And Minnesota writer William Kent Krueger doesn’t disappoint in his 2009 novel,...